Tooltypes ========= When you start the preferences editor from the Workbench you can set several tooltypes in the program icon or configuration file icons to control it. USE If you set this tooltype in an icon for a preferences file, the editor will install this file as current configuration file. SAVE If you set this tooltype in an icon for a preferences file, the editor will install this file as current and as permanent configuration file. PUBSCREEN This tooltype tells the editor to open its windows on a specific public screen. If you don't supply this tooltype, the default public screen will be used. CREATEICONS When this tooltype is set to YES, the editor will create an icon for every preferences file that is created with the Save As menu item. DEFAULTFONT The editor normally uses the public screen font to draw its gadgets. If you set this tooltype to YES, the editor will use the system default font instead. XPOS This specifies the initial X position of the editor main window. YPOS This specifies the initial Y position of the editor main window. MINLISTCOLUMNS This specifies the minimum number of columns in the list gadgets. MINLISTROWS This specifies the minimum number of rows in the list gadgets.

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